We encourage that you use this website for general information purposes and contact us using Secure Messaging Portal for any comments, questions, or requests. Alternatively, you can call us 412-232-8104 or fax 412-281-1898.
If this is a medical emergency, please use your phone to dial 911 or go to the nearest emergency room. Note: no one can diagnose or treat your condition from messaging or other written communications, and communication via our website cannot replace the relationship you have with a physician or another healthcare practitioner.
You can reach us via US Mail at:
Pittsburgh Gastroenterology Associates
2589 Boyce Plaza Road
Suite 5
Pittsburgh, PA 15241
Please complete form. After we receive the form, we will contact you to confirm your appointment.
Please complete form to help us assess your healthcare needs. Telemedicine is also available.
Please leave a secure message for any comments, questions, or other requests.